What can your parish, school or community do?
Help us to build a culture of adoption and fostering in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis by raising up new foster families, starting teams to support and accompany adoptive and foster families, and hosting awareness events and service projects to serve children who are newly adopted or in foster care and their families.
Watch the video below to get started...
Have you wondered if God might be calling you to open your heart to foster or adopt a child? Register for a virtual “retreat” and receive a code for free access to the Springs of Love “Be Not Afraid” discernment video series, with additional questions for reflection. In this self-paced series, you will hear beautiful testimonials from couples who have answered the call to foster and adopt. Talks address fostering and adopting after infertility, adopting a child with special needs, international & domestic adoption, adoption from foster care, grieving when foster children leave, adopting older children, what to do when only one spouse feels called, and more. Link to the retreat is below.
The United States is in great need of foster families. In the state of Indiana, there are over 11,000 children in foster care.* Statistics show that about 50% of foster families stop fostering after just one year; but if they are supported by a team in their community, 90% continue to foster! Indiana families that answer the call to foster or adopt need to be able to count on the support of their faith community as they welcome and love each unique child entrusted to them. Are you interested in becoming a foster parent through the State of Indiana? Visit IndianaFosterCare.org to fill out an inquiry form and find important resources with up-to-date information from the Department of Child Services (DCS). Current Foster parents can reach the support helpline at 888-631-9510.
These prayers were taken from the Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers book published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and are used with permission.
Prayer for Those Hoping to Adopt a Child
God our Creator,
by your love the world is filled with life,
through your generosity one generation
gives life to another,
and so are your wonders told and your praises sung.