Franciscan Hospice Care offers grief support programs for kids, teens, and a group for parents of the kids or teens in support. The groups meet for four weeks at Christ United Methodist Church (8540 U.S. 31 South Indianapolis IN 46227), from 5:00-6:30pm on Feb. 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2025. The groups meet at the same time and place but in different rooms. There is no cost to attend, but advanced registration is required at (317) 528-2636.
"Caterpillar Kids" is for children ages 6-12 who have experienced the death of a loved one. It does not have to be a recent death. Sessions include crafts, games, music, snacks, and therapy dogs. Children will view videos of other kids who experienced loss and have an opportunity for small group discussion.
Teen Grief Support is for young people ages 13-17 who have experienced the death of someone they love. It does not have to be a recent death.Franciscan Hospice House is hosting a bereavement support group for men, starting September 24, 2024. The group will meet for six sessions at the Franciscan Hospice House (8414 Franciscan Lane Indianapolis IN 46237) on Tuesday mornings from 10:30am to 12:00pm Noon. Clyde Peddycord will be the group facilitator. There is no cost to attend. Please call the Franciscan Bereavement Office to register, at: (317) 528-2636.
Support Group will meet on:The "Peace in the Mourning" Retreat for Catholics women who are widowed will be held on October 25-27, 2024 starting at 6:00pm EST at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis. Cost is $220 per person and includes all meals and overnight accommodations (private room with shared bathroom). For more information, please see the retreat brochure. If you are not able to pay the full fee, please contact Lisa Coons, Registrar, to inquire about scholarship funds that are available. For questions and to register, contact Lisa Coons, Registrar, at (317) 545-7681. This retreat is sponsored by Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, an Agency of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
You are invited to a Memorial Mass for babies lost through miscarriage on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 5:30pm at St. Mary Catholic Church in Greensburg, IN. If you have lost a baby to miscarriage and would like his or her name read at the Mass, please email the baby's name to [email protected] or call (812)212-3463 by October 13. If you are unable to attend the Mass, it will be recorded and posted on St. Mary's website at This event is organized by Covenant Resources Miscarriage Ministry, a local Catholic non-profit ministry. Learn more at
The "Being and Belonging" Retreat for Catholics who are Divorced or Separated will be held on November 22 - 24, 2024 starting at 6:00pm EST at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis. Cost is $210 per person and includes all meals and overnight accommodations (private room with shared bathroom). For more information, please see the retreat brochure. Scholarship funds are available for those needing financial assistance to attend. For questions and to register, contact Lisa Coons, Registrar, at (317) 545-7681. This retreat is sponsored by Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, an Agency of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
Sponsored by Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, an agency of the Archdiocese of Indianpolis
"You Are Note Alone" Series of Zoom Meetings, June - Aug. 2024
Indianapolis, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Groups
Reservation is not required. There is no fee.
1. Franciscan Health
8111 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46237
7 to 9 pm Second Tuesday of the month 317-528-8949
2. Community Hospital North
7250 Clearvista Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Professional Building Conference Room A
7 to 9 pm Third Thursday of the month.
Jennifer Waitt 317-621-5275
3. Eskenazi Heath
720 Eskenazi Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
8th Floor Conference Room
7 to 9 pm Second Wednesday of the month
Angie Bess-Martin 317-880-8898
4. Ascension St. Vincent Hospital-Indianapolis
Physicians Medical Plaza
8550 Naab Road, Suite 201
Indianapolis, IN 46260
7 to 9 pm First Thursday of the month
This small group combines serving families of pregnancy loss and infant loss up to 1 year of age. Please note that, while the start time of the group is 7pm, the doors of the building automatically lock at 6:30pm. The group leader, Jenny Cable, will wait by the door, but it is best to call and let her know you are coming, so she can let you in.
Jenny Cable 317-415-7494
5. Subsequent Pregnancy Support Group
Franciscan Heath
7 to 9 pm
Julie Jackson [email protected]
Red Bird Ministries is a non-profit, pro-life, and pro-family Catholic grief support ministry serving individuals and couples who have experienced the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood. They help ordinary families who have been given an extraordinary cross to carry. The organization was formed to help people understand grief, how to navigate through it, and most crucially, how to begin the healing process. It is Catholic because of the critical role the Church’s Sacraments play in conjunction with the other disciplines in their approach.
Resources offered by Red Bird Ministries: